Cigar Culture
Cigar Education
Lifestyle Design
Personal Development
Ignite your passion, embrace your power, and join an exclusive sisterhood that's rewriting the script on luxury, lifestyle, and camaraderie.
I am the Founder of Cigar Girlfriend LLC & I have been a cigar smoker for 2 years.
During this time, I’ve visited dozens of cigar lounges, met hundreds of amazing human beings, and learned a lot about the industry and cigar culture.
I’m no expert. I wanted to create this brand and community because one doesn’t exist. When a community you desperately want to be a part of doesn’t exist, you have an unspoken obligation to create it!
At Cigar Girlfriend LLC, we believe that true luxury lies in the experiences we share and the connections we build.
I am the Founder of Cigar Girlfriend LLC & I have been a cigar smoker for 2 years.
During this time, I’ve visited over a dozen cigar lounges, met dozens of amazing human beings, and learned a lot about the industry and cigar culture.
I’m no expert. I wanted to create this community because one doesn’t exist. When a community you desperately want to be a part of doesn’t exist, you have an unspoken obligation to create it!
At Cigar Girlfriend LLC, we believe that true luxury lies in the experiences we share and the connections we build.